Bánh phở is the noodle used in the Vietnamese pho dish. Reader Eric left a request over at the other post "Pronunciation of Pho and Other Vietnamese Words and Phrases" inquiring about what to say when you want to order extra Bánh Phở noodles, or a side order of pho noodles. Eric says:
hi there- i’m wondering how to pronounce the following question about ordering extra rice noodles:
có thể tôi xin có bún thêm cho một đồng đô la phụ? Tôi rất đói.
the direct translation (from google translate) is:
can i please have extra rice noodles for an extra dollar? i’m very hungry.
Hmm Google translation helps sometimes, but not in this case.
But first let's get something straight. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to have bánh phở added to your bowl in the kitchen before they pour in the hot pho broth. Some may prefer a side bowl of just bánh phở at your table, but if you think about it, you'll want everything in the bowl before the broth is poured in. This is because bánh phở needs to cook with the rest of the other pho ingredients in the bowl. Even if the pho noodles are blanched and then served in a separate side bowl at your table, you'll have to immediately put it in your bowl. Otherwise if you leave it in the side bowl while enjoying the main portion first, the side noodles will continue to cook on the inside and get all lumped up and mushed together, and will become cold and dry on the outside, all while your broth is cooling in your bowl as well. Anyway if you must then you must, but I recommend extra bánh phở inside the bowl, not outside.
Note that Eric's message implies that he wants certain quantity (a dollar's worth) of pho noodles. As far as I know, most pho restaurants either charge one price for sides or none at all. So specifying a dollar amount's worth of banh pho may not work well in most situations. Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with the "very hungry" part, but I'll leave that part out of the audio files as well. If someone really must have the "I'm very hungry" then please leave a request in the comment, I'll do it then.
As requested by Eric, below are 3 variations of ordering extra pho noodles when you're in a restaurant. The variation between each phrase is very minimal, but the impact can be major. They range from more formal to casual ordering tones.
Pronounce: Ordering extra bánh phở noodles with your phở.
- More formal. Xin cho thêm bánh phở (Please add/give more banh pho noodles.) Southern accent once, then Northern accent twice.
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- Neutral. Cho tôi thêm bánh phở (Add/give me more banh pho noodles.) Southern then Northern accent.
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- Casual. Cho thêm bánh phở (Add/give more banh pho noodles.) Southern then Northern accent.
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Thanks for the question Eric!
So have you ordered anything extra with your pho? Take the poll below.

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Pho Restaurant Business articles:
For more tips and information, read the complete series on how to open and operate your own pho restaurant.
- How to Open a Pho Restaurant.
- What Makes a Great Pho Restaurant?
- What You Need to Open a Pho Restaurant-The Starting Point.
- Tips For Your New Pho Restaurant’s Front and Back of the House.
- Designing Your Pho Restaurant: Hidden Secret of a Good Pho Restaurant Floor Plan.
- Controlling Food Costs of Your New Pho Restaurant.
- Hiring a Pho Chef For Your Pho Restaurant.
- Beef Pho, Chicken Pho, Men, Women: A Complex Relationship.
- Up-Sell Specialist – Would This Work in a Pho Restaurant?
- Secrets To Making And Serving Great Pho In Your Restaurant.
- How Much Does It Cost To Build And Open A Pho Restaurant?
- Pho Restaurant Customer Satisfaction and Complaints.
- Half Off Pho – Why 50% Off Are Not Such Good Pho Deals.
- What Is Real, Authentic Pho?
- Secret Ingredients For Pho: Revealed
- Pho Restaurant Business Plan, Part 1: What Is It Anyway?
- Pho Restaurant Business Plan, Part 2: What’s Sexy About It?
- Pho Restaurant Business Plan, Part 3: The Nuts and Bolts
- Customer to Pho Restaurant: These 5 Things Can Hurt Your Business
- Signs That a Pho Restaurant Is in the Process of Failing
- Hey, What’s the Cost of That Bowl of Pho?
- How Long To Cook Pho Spices In Pho Broth
- 5 Ways A Pho Restaurant Can Beat The Competition
- What’s Your Pho Type, Beef Pho, Chicken Pho or Vegan Pho?
- Online Coupons and Offers – What’s In It For Pho Restaurants?
- What Pho Restaurateurs Can Learn From This Poll
- 3 Reasons Why You Need An Architect For A New Pho Restaurant
- On Pho Restaurant Quality And Service, And Pho 79 Revisited
- What Pho Restaurant Experience Causes You To Never Come Back?
- Selling Pho Secrets – With A Catch
- A Conversation With Pho Restaurant Architect Quynh Tran
- Anatomy Of A Solid Pho Restaurant Business Plan – Part 4
- How To Design, Build and Operate Vietnamese Pho Restaurants
- Pho Eater Behaviors – What Pho Restaurants Can Learn From These Polls
- Importance Of A Well Developed Pho Restaurant Concept
- Will You Eat Pho With MSG? A Pho Poll Result
- 5 Important Lessons For Pho Restaurant Startups
- Best Practice Inventory System For Pho Restaurant Profit, Part 1
- Inventory System For Pho Restaurant, Part 2: Key Characteristics
- Tips To Lower Startup Cost To Open A Pho Restaurant
- Design, Build and Open Vietnamese Pho Restaurant
- Wall Mural: Saigon Pho Restaurant
- Four Signs That A New Pho Restaurant May Not Make It
- Location, Location, Location: Myths and Facts For Pho Restaurants
- Prime Cost And Why Keeping It Under Control Is Critical To A Pho Restaurant’s Survival
- I’m 1 Month Out From Opening My First Small Restaurant
- Inventory System Part 3: What Would You Categorize These Items as?
- Pho Restaurant Kitchen Efficiency: What It Means And How To Achieve It
- Ways To Store Large Quantity Of Pho Broth When You Made Too Much Of It
- Quick Cook Banh Pho Noodle
- Designing Pho Service And Final Plating/Expediting Floor Plan
- Improving the Pho Menu For Mainstream Appeal
My name is jay and i live in korea. I owned vietnamese restaurant in korea. I am interesting to use this noodle. But i dont know how. Please let me know how. Thank you very much.
Hi Jay: So you have a Vietnamese restaurant in Korea but only serves Viet food other than pho? Is this correct? And you are interested in learning how to make pho, especially the broth, correct? What city are you in? Please reply and I will contact you in private to discuss further. Thank you.