1. Opening your own pho restaurant?
  2. Trying to design a pho restaurant kitchen?
  3. Maybe you have a question about pho restaurant business?

I can help point you in the right direction in all areas of your project, including

  • Business plan development, pro forma and financial analysis
  • Site selection, design and buildout
  • Equipment selection and floor plan design
  • Recipe development, cooking and plating
  • Food cost calculation, menu pricing for top profit potentials
  • Hiring, training and motivating employees
  • Creating a strong brand, marketing and advertising
  • Promotion, social media buzz generation and building strong customer loyalty

Give yourself a good head-start while saving both time and money with a pho expert on your side. I will help you do all the upfront planning, then focus on error-free execution.

Concept design, business plan, financial analysis and pro forma, capital budgeting, payback period analysis, branding and logo, kitchen design and floor plan, recipe development, menu engineering, product cost calculation, marketing, advertising and social media planning.
Kitchen equipment selection and installation, vendor/supplier management, inventory control, pho broth cooking/storing/serving, customer service training, website/online/mobile marketing, grand opening preparation, ongoing operation.

I can help your project run smoothly with the lowest amount of risk and cost.

To get started, use the calendar below to book a one-hour consultation.

Let's discuss your concept and the best way to proceed.

Consultation in Vietnamese and/or English as you prefer.

You will be booking in your local time zone, based on location of device you’re using.
My location is San Diego, CA, USA (Pacific Time Zone (PT), Western US).

There is no cost for initial consultation, and there is no obligation. You will gain valuable tips that can get you on the right path.

If you are outside of North America, then no worries. I work across time zones too.

Depending on the project's needs, I do travel to assist with project management during the construction phase, and for on-site training and preparation for grand opening.

Cuong Huynh
Pho Restaurant Consultant