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[Sticky] Lovingpho Inventory System is available

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Cuong Huynh
Posts: 448
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Joined: 16 years ago

Currently there are a multitude of commercial inventory apps that you can purchase. These are often bloated, overpriced, and subscription-based (read: you pay forever to continue to use them). I've looked at many and in my opinion, they're mostly made by programmers with not much experience in the restaurant business, and they don't include practical/real world coaching and support.

For small to medium restaurants there really is no useful, simple, and low-cost inventory system out there.

Guess what? I have been using an inventory system I created for my own use and for my pho restaurant clients (shown below). It's a Google Sheets based system so you have absolutely no acquisition cost, and it's available anywhere with an Internet access on any device you want to use. Together with my process which I'll also provide, it has only the features you need for efficient and reliable restaurant inventory.

I've decided to make it available to all restaurateurs who want something very low cost that they can actually use in their operation. I'll also throw in my training and support so you can get on the right track and get going quickly.

I'll make an announcement on its availability soon. For early adopters who opts in right now with your email below to be notified when it's available, you'll have first dip at this inventory system for $39 (50% OFF) plus one-month training/support. 

Update 10-30-19: The inventory system is available now. Contact me using the form below to get started. There is a one-time cost of US$79 which includes setting you up in your own Google Sheets and a 3 hour training over the phone/Internet. The training should take place within 2 weeks of purchase.

Following are requirements in order to use this system:

  • Google Sheets. You have access to your own Google Drive (Google Sheets) account and you are proficient in the use of Google Sheets or spreadsheets apps (like MS Excel) in general. The inventory system spreadsheets use the Google Sheets app.
  • Ingredient List. You have your own ingredient list organized and ready to go. It doesn't have to be complete, but should have sufficient number of items so you can see how it works. The training will coach you through how to add or modify existing and new ingredients. 
  • Ingredient Detail. Each of your ingredients should have at a minimum the following information: Purchase pack sizes and counts, purchase unit of measure (U/M).

If you don't have all the above requirements in place and would still like to obtain and learn the inventory system then I can provide additional training/coaching for an additional fee.

[contact-form-7 id="13807" title="*Contact Lovingpho Inventory System Pho Forums"]

4 Replies
2 Replies
Joined: 6 years ago

Posts: 17

Awesome! I look forward to seeing a demo.

Joined: 6 years ago

Posts: 17

 Can't wait to see it.

Cuong Huynh
Posts: 448
Topic starter
Reputable Member
Joined: 16 years ago

This is sort of a late announcement, but for those who expressed interest about the inventory system, you should already received notification when it became available.

For everyone else, this is to notify that this is now available so contact me if you want to get it and arrange for training.

1 Reply
Joined: 6 years ago

Posts: 8


Ooh this is awesome. Just contact you via email.
