Every day in Vietnam millions of bowls of pho are served. This is always considered the most famous and most attractive dish of Vietnamese cuisine in the eyes of international visitors.
Pho is a traditional dish of Vietnam, can also be considered as one of the typical dishes for Vietnamese cuisine. The main ingredients of pho are pho noodles and broth (or broth as the Southern name) with thinly sliced beef or chicken. There are also spices like soy sauce, pepper, lemon, fish sauce, chili ... These spices are added according to the taste of each user. Pho is usually used as a breakfast or at night, but in big cities this dish is enjoyed throughout the day. Provinces in southern Vietnam and some other regions of pho are presented with a plate of herbs such as onion, bean sprouts and coriander leaves, basil, of which coriander is the typical leaf of pho; However, in Hanoi, there is no plate of this raw vegetable. Pho is usually beef or chicken noodle soup, but sometimes there are other variations such as pork noodle, shrimp noodle, frog noodle, though not very successful.
Pho soup water is usually used for boiling water from beef bones (if the housewife does not have much experience to deodorize beef bones, it can be replaced with pork bones), with many spices including cinnamon, star anise, ginger. Roast, cardamom, cloves, coriander seeds, dry roasted onions. The meat used for pho is beef (with all kinds of beef, dull, dandruff is re-cooked or fully cooked) or chicken (old chicken boiled, tear meat for sweet sweetness). "Pho" is traditionally made from rice flour, coated into thin sheets and cut into fibers. Pho is always enjoyed when it is hot. To get a good bowl of pho depends very much on the experience and know-how of the processor, which is especially important for the pot of broth.
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