FAQ: Premium Subscr...
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[Sticky] FAQ: Premium Subscription

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Cuong Huynh
Posts: 448
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Reputable Member
Joined: 16 years ago

Are answers in the Premium areas free of charge?

Yes. A paid Premium Membership gives you full access to all Premium Forum areas. Premium Members can ask questions related to their restaurant operation and receive consulting answers within 24 to 48 hours. In some instances it may take longer depending on my availability.

Premium Members can also read about other pho restaurant operators’ questions and answers, and learn how others deal with their challenges.

If you have urgent need for immediate consulting support then please indicate so in your question and I’ll do my best to timely support, or provide suggestions on how to best proceed.

For faster responses and best consulting services customized to your business, I recommend either

What types of question are allowed/acceptable in the Premium Forums areas?

Anything related to pho, pho restaurant, and pho restaurant business can be asked or discussed in the Premium Pho Forums.

The Premium Forums are created for the benefits of pho restaurateurs, operators and owners, so feel free to ask for help, seek out suggestions, give advice, contribute ideas, or discuss anything that can be useful for the pho restaurant community.

Who can access Premium Pho Forums?

Members with a Premium membership ($29/month) have unlimited access to all Premium Pho Forums in addition to other free forum areas.

Members can ask any number of questions about their pho restaurant operation and receive professional consulting answers within 24 to 48 hours.

For faster responses and best consulting services customized to your business, I recommend either

4 Replies
4 Replies
Joined: 6 years ago

Posts: 2


Is it possible to switch between a Standard subscription and Premium subscription?

Cuong Huynh
Joined: 16 years ago

Reputable Member
Posts: 448


Yes you can upgrade from Standard to Premium level at any time by subscribing and paying the Premium subscription. Each Premium subscription is good for one month, gives you access to all premium area discussions, and you can choose to renew or not renew at the end of each anniversary period.

There is no refund for Premium subscription. It will expire at the end of the paid period and automatically becomes a Standard subscription forever.

At Standard subscription level, you have access to all free/open areas of the forums.

If you want to actually be removed from the forums, then you can send a request to forums-help@lovingpho.com.


Joined: 6 years ago

Posts: 2


Thank you. I need some assistance fairly urgently I  booked a consultation appointment just now.

Cuong Huynh
Joined: 16 years ago

Reputable Member
Posts: 448


Received your appointment booking. Looking forward to discuss.
