Is it just me thinking this or is it universally true that:
The best pho will always be found in restaurants, because good homemade pho doesn't really mean much as not many people know about it and thus can judge it? At least in restaurants, you can judge or vote by the number of people willing to pay to eat there.
I've heard many saying (and am sick of hearing it) stuff like "my mom makes the best pho" or "there is no pho that can compare to what my grandmother made".
Maybe what we need is a pho smackdown, uhh... maybe just a competition like they have at BBQ festivals and such, a competition where the best pho is judged by somebody or group of bodies with authority to say "this is good pho" or "this is not so good pho", with certificates and accolades to go with it. This way your mom and grandmother can actually claim such title if it's really true.
Put your noodle where your mouth is.