So I finally had a beef pho with kobe beef recently. My verdict: underwhelming, not enough meat, hit and miss (not always available), and unworthy of the premium price. So what;'s the big deal with kobe beef?
For me it's just a fad and will go away faster than you can blink your eyes.
The big deal with Kobe beef pho is some people fall for the sales pitch that Kobe beef pho is so good it's worth the price they charge for it.
Pho with kobe beef is highly over-rated. A restaurant near me started offering it last year. That lasted maybe 5 months... I see the point of kobe beef in fine dining/steak house, but kobe beef can never be the main point of a specialty pho, unless everything in the pho is made with all beef parts from Japan.
My 2 cents: Kobe beef pho, lobster pho, and squid pho among other creations are just fads promoted by restaurants to try and sell you more and new "pho. They won't last too long. I'd stay with the beef, chicken or occasionally vegetarian pho if it's made right.