Pho in the Philippines: Have Filipinos Taken to the Pho Phenomenon?
Vietnamese pho is, without argument, the most well-known noodle dish from Vietnam. Pho noodle has swept all across the world, making those who tasted it ...Pho in the Philippines - Battle for Pho Supremacy is Heating Up
The popularity of pho is rapidly spreading in the Philippines. While there are some independent pho shops, the main pho battle in the Philippines seems ...Pho Hoa Vietnamese Restaurant, El Cajon Blvd - Still Serving Great Pho
It's been a long time since I last visited Pho Hoa on El Cajon Blvd. This place has been here forever (well maybe at least ...Pho Hoa: Berkeley
Having passed by the Pho Hoa several times since moving to Berkeley I decided it was time to sample the goods. Before going in I ...Pho Hoa Franchise: Purely Pho, Purely Healthy
Pho Hoa, a global franchise serving typical Vietnamese pho dishes in various parts of the world, has artfully positioned pho dishes as the top choices ...Pho Hoa Pasteur, Saigon
Pho Hoa Pasteur holds a special place in my early teen heart and memory. Not just because of its hearty bowls of pho. No. Not ...Vietnamese Pho: Franchised and Going Mainstream?
When you consider that ingredients are now much easier to source, that if you can recreate a great pot of soup stock in a cookie-cutting ...