Tag: vietnamese restaurant
It's common knowledge that beef pho is the most popular pho. But at any given time, do you notice that men are likely to go ...
We all have our own reasons why we like Vietnamese pho, and we have our own reasons to keep coming back to our favorite pho ...
Luong Son Quan Bo Tung Xeo is a great place to hang out with friends for diner and lots of drinking. Sort of a beer ...
What are the characteristics of a great pho? For a non-Vietnamese person, how can you decide if the pho you just had was authentic or ...
It's been a long time since I last visited Pho Hoa on El Cajon Blvd. This place has been here forever (well maybe at least ...
All-you-can-eat Pho? Well not quite, not here in the states anyway. I had all-you-can-eat pho in Vietnam, at Nha Hang Tan Son Nhat (Tan Son ...
I found the biggest bowl of pho at Kiem Bo Vietnamese Restaurant in North York Toronto, Canada. It was absolutely the biggest bowl I ever ...